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Abstract Painting From Concept to Completion

The canvas was stretched and three coats of gesso was applied. The design was sketched with soft pastel in the appropriate colors. The texture was applied using modeling paste, palette knife and gesso. When this was thoroughly dry, the background colors and the major design elements were painted. I used at least two colors on the palette for each design element and three colors for the background. The paints are mixed together on the canvas spontaneously using three-inch house painting brushes. The entire canvas is covered.

After the first layer dries, a pouring technique was used for the circular shapes that resemble flowers. A large sponge applicator is used to paint iridescent orange and magenta paint on the elevations of the textured surfaces. Gravel medium is added to iridescent green and ochre paints and applied to the green design element with a palette knife. Mica flakes are added to this. Orange and magenta paint is scattered into the background area.

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